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Break the shackles of memories with your ex and move forward.


Introducing Reset Regret, a totally new way to move on.


  • Even broke up yesterday or months ago.

  • Even didn’t date for that long.

  • Even feel like begging for them back.

And yes, especially if you want to feel lighter, happier, and more fulfilled without them.


Avoid another day, week, month, year of moping around with nothing to show for it. It’s time to live your best life so you can prove your potential.

New & only found in Reset Regret:


  • Day-by-day connection: Get an email in your inbox every day, spurring you forward

  • Take-home assignments: Follow research-backed strategies and psychological insights to heal on your own schedule

  • Words of wisdom: Be inspired by famous (and not-so-famous) quotes to put your journey in perspective

  • Rapid results: You could wallow in bars forever, or commit to the first step of the healing process in 100 days


Meet Some of Our Successful Graduates...

Happy, hopeful, and healing

Alex M.

"I was drowning in heartbreak until I found Reset Regret. The daily emails were my lifeline, helping me confront my emotions, set realistic goals, and gradually rebuild my life. This isn't just a program; it's a compassionate companion that understands the pain and provides a roadmap to recovery."

Emily H.

"Reset Regret is like a breakup bootcamp. It's not about wallowing; it's about progress. The structured approach and actionable tasks kept me focused on personal growth. I can honestly say that I emerged from this experience not just healed, but stronger and more self-assured than ever."

Sarah K.

"Reset Regret gave me the structure and support I desperately needed after my breakup. The daily emails guided me to reflect on my past relationship, set meaningful goals, and rediscover my sense of purpose."

Jordan R.

"Reset Regret is more than just a breakup recovery program; it's a blueprint for a brighter future. The strategies for reflection, goal-setting, and self-improvement go beyond recovery — they set the foundation for a fulfilling life. I didn't just break free from my past; I embraced a new and empowered version of myself."

Thinking back: did you ever dream of waking up, alone in bed, feeling overwhelmed by loneliness, maybe stalking your ex’s Instagram a bit, torturing yourself with your pain or anger?


And just doing that… over and over and over?


When did we accept a life that looks like this?


Hurt, uncertain, beaten down…because that’s just how break-ups go, right?


And if you ever complain, you get “Time heals all wounds.”


And that’s your life: waiting to feel better instead of CHOOSING to heal yourself.


What if you could control your own destiny?

Imagine a different kind of day. One where you wake up as the sunlight filters through your curtains. You stretch, feeling well-rested and content.
You roll over to check your phone, and see a kind text from a friend. A few likes on your recent selfie. You smile to yourself.
You get up and start your day. Walking your dog, rocking out to your favorite tunes, a quick phone call with a friend. You feel at peace, and excited to see what a new day will bring.
Throughout the day, happiness permeates every fiber of your being. It doesn’t feel forced — it feels natural. Right. The correct order of things.
This is because you’ve finally found the freedom to be you. You love yourself, and that gives you a warm, happy glow that others feel drawn to.
Later in the day, you find yourself engaging in hobbies that bring you joy and fulfillment.
You have a strong social group, all of whom support you and are enthusiastic about the things you accomplish. They reflect the values you yourself hold dear, and appreciate what you contribute.
Today, one of them brings someone you immediately click with. They’re engaging and smart and funny and you start feeling those butterflies in the pit of your stomach.
You feel confident and happy. It’s too soon to tell whether this will turn into the great love of your life, but you’re excited to find out.
When you go home at night, you feel relaxed. You crawl into bed, tired from a good day and ready for a full night’s sleep.
Your life — who you are, who you spend time with — isn’t perfect, but few things ever are. You do, however, hold a sense of joy and belonging in each day.
3 months ago, you were getting the usual advice to wait it out and you’ll (hopefully) feel better. Today, you’ve decided for yourself to grab the bull by the horns and tackle your unhappiness from the inside out — and you did!
You can not only be happy again — you can be happier than you were with your ex. 
While other people are searching for ways to make their ex come crawling back (which NEVER work), a tiny group of people have decided to make a different choice. And there’s a growing wave of people who are determined to look inwards rather than at their ex for the answers. But finding true contentment doesn’t sell magazines, so you won’t find their stories in headlines.
But they’re out there, quietly uncovering the truth about recovering from a break-up, and becoming more magnetic each day.
We know, because we’ve been there.

Hi — we’re the team behind Reset Regret.

You may have heard of us. We’re the original 100-day break-up recovery program.
We dream of a world where people recover from heartbreak like a phoenix rising from the ashes — magnificent and powerful. And we believe you’re capable of doing the work. We’ll help you do it.

We should be crying in bed listening to Adele, texting our BFFs to keep ourselves from checking our ex’s Insta (again).


If you’re wondering what’s the catch, let’s just cut to the chase.


We hate it when some random internet article says shit like:


“It’s so simple to feel better after a break-up! Just follow these simple steps…”


And the “simple steps” are like, “delete their phone number” or “unfriend your ex” or “just stop thinking about them.”


I mean, sure, those can and often do have a place in your road to recovery. But I think we all know that recovering from heartbreak — like, real, true heartbreak — is never that easy.


So let’s be clear: this isn’t a magic bullet, and will only work as much as you do. But if you’re ready to try, we’re ready to help you.


We think there’s something a little broken in the way our culture looks at relationships.


In every rom-com ever made, the love interest gets treated like a silver bullet: not only do they adore you, but they’ll solve all your problems! Or you just won’t care about other problems anymore because, you know, love.


We think it’s oversimplified and frankly a little sad.


It’s no wonder that we feel so devastated and lost and offended when a relationship ends. We’ve been told by the media that it’s because there’s something intrinsically wrong with us. That if your relationship is broken, you are too. That you can’t be truly happy AND single at the same time. If you’re not WITH someone, you practically only half-exist!


And we think it’s a crock of shit.


Each of us here at Reset Regret has at least one break-up horror story. One where we totally spiraled and felt at our lowest. One where we felt so powerless and pathetic. Sometimes for months or even years.


But it doesn’t have to be that way.


There’s no magic way to make break-ups not hurt — that’s just a sign that you cared deeply. That’s a good thing.


But you don’t have to hurt forever.


You don’t have to be caught in an infinite spiral of shame and sadness and questioning.


Your friends might tell you that you’re perfect and should never change and it’s definitely your ex’s fault. Or that they’ll come to their senses any minute now. Or someone even more perfect was going to come along. You just need to wait.


And that might be true. But would they be honest and tell you if it wasn’t?


What if you had something to learn from this break-up? Do you know what it is? Are you growing? Are you healing?


Healing is active. Waiting isn’t.


Instead of feeling stuck in place, or aimless and moping, or like you want to just curl up in bed with the curtains closed, what if you imagined something better for yourself?


Better still, what if you could achieve it?


Everyone fantasizes about making their ex regret all their wrongs. To come crawling back. To grovel for forgiveness. 


But exes don’t come crawling back because you’re in bed, scrolling through old photos of you together. 


If you want better, you have to be better. 


When we think about our biggest goals in life — whether it’s to get a rockin’ revenge bod, or meet the one true love of our lives, or to have a kickass career — they all boil down to what we think will make us happy. 


Happiness that provides you the energy to go to the gym, run a marathon, go back to playing soccer again, hit a new PR on the bench press, or whatever physical goal you dream for yourself.


Happiness that gives you the confidence to meet new people, reconnect with old friends, speak up more.


Happiness that allows you to sleep better, work better, play better, feel better.


Happiness that gives you a whole new lease on life and makes you feel like a brand new person.


And we’re here to teach you how.


We’ll show you day-by-day — the things to reflect on about your relationship with your ex, the ideas to brainstorm for yourself, the kind of soul-searching questions that few people ever attempt to answer.


And not in a scammy, “turn your whole life around with this ONE WEIRD TRICK!” kinda way. In a realistic way, that’s grounded in research, that guides you through each step of the way.


It’s not easy — but we know you can do it. So many others already have.

Jaimie L.

"Reset Regret is a game-changer. The daily emails helped me navigate the tumultuous emotions and offering practical steps for personal growth. It's not just a recovery tool; it's a guide to finding strength in vulnerability."

"Sure. Sounds great. Why isn't everyone doing it?"

Here’s the interesting thing. When you ask literally anyone if they want to be happy, the answer is a resounding “YES, are you stupid or something?”
Of course people want happiness. They want it like they want food and shelter. Arguably, we need some measure of it to survive.
And post-break-up especially, everyone also wants to feel a little superior. To rub their ex’s noses in it, just a tiny bit.
But then…
They stop.
There’s a big big gap between saying, “Yes, I want to recover from my break-up and learn to love myself,” and actually doing the work.
We get it. We’re all busy. Change is scary. And scrolling Instagram for hours feels a lot more rewarding in the short term. (Of course it does, it’s designed to feel that way!)
But that’s how day after day passes, yearning for an ex, wallowing in the memories of happier times with them, but making no progress on our own happiness.
We put it off. We tell ourselves things like:
“I’ll get better. I just need time to heal.”
“Maybe if I accidentally run into them at the party on Saturday, they’ll change their mind.”
“If I lose just 5 (10, 25, 100) pounds, then they’ll be sorry.”
“I’m only going to love them forever, there’s no one else.”
We just don’t buy it. There are literally millions of people saying they want to get over their ex, saying that they KNOW their ex does not equate to their personal happiness, but their actions just don’t match.
It’s obvious there’s something else going on here.
If you start digging in — sometimes someone will go to therapy and get a lightbulb moment — and they’ll realize these excuses are really based on things like:
“I’m insecure about myself. What if I’m not good enough?”
“I’m scared my ex was right about me.”
“I’m anxious that I’m completely unlovable.”
“I feel safer focusing on the past, rather than an unknowable future.”
And it’s important to recognize these are real feelings. They exist. You can’t bury them and hope they don’t come up for air.
But they’re also things that will prevent you from moving forward. If you refuse to confront yourself in your own mind, you’ll set up barriers preventing your own growth and development.

“Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing.”

August Wilson

And at the end of the day: we can cry and complain and wish things were different…
…or we can MAKE THEM different.
Choose to control your own destiny.
The typical advice we’ve gotten has turned out to be all wrong.
“Find a nice person and settle down.”
The promise: Just find someone you like and who likes you and marry them and everything will turn out perfect.
As it turns out, “nice” does not equal compatibility.
And a “nice” relationship does not equal happiness.

“Nice” is neutral. Nice is the bare minimum. Nice is the general politeness you offer to the clerk at the grocery store.

We don’t know about you, but we want more from a partner than “nice.”
But people build entire relationships, futures, families on “nice” and never stop to examine their happiness.
Do they feel recognized? Understood as a person? Supported in your hopes and dreams?
At some point, someone — it doesn’t really matter who — realizes that “nice” isn’t working.
And here’s the interesting thing: as soon as the illusion drops, the niceness often does as well.
Suddenly, things are looking and feeling very different.
Oftentimes, when a relationship falls apart, people describe their bewilderment:
“It was like everything was perfect until it wasn’t…”
“Looking back, I don’t know why I didn’t see the signs…”
“I feel like I could have avoided this pain…”

Happily ever after is failing.
And when that fails, that’s when we get this other nugget of overwrought wisdom…
“There are more fish in the sea.”
Yes, and there are more fish for those fish and to be honest, you’re thinking of becoming vegetarian. You already thought you found your one fish. You don’t want others.
And people fail to mention:
Um, meeting and dating is a lot more complex than it used to be. Like, sure your grandma could meet a nice man and go steady for a few months before agreeing to an engagement, but that’s not how things work anymore. At all.
It’s just harder. That’s not just you, that’s a fact.
But also, wait...


Don’t you deserve to be happy, single or not?
Don’t you want to achieve your dreams regardless?
Don’t you have hopes and desires beyond finding a forever spouse?
Of course you do. You’re a full, complete human all on your own.
But instead of fulfilling your own dreams, you’re caught in a vicious cycle of yearning for someone else, mistaking them for your dreams.
They’re not. You’re distracted.
Because we’ve been taught over and over again these messages of “a relationship is the most accurate measure of your happiness you’ll ever have.”
And suddenly you’re paralyzed with grief and sadness and fear.
These are the kind of regrets we’re talking about. The ones where you let days slip by wallowing instead of actively participating in your own life.


None of us are perfect. But that’s not an excuse to not continue to develop.
There is so much in the world to be, do, see…and you want to spend it crying over a relationship that’s 100% over (whether you’ve admitted it to yourself or not)?
We just lost some people there. It happens every time.
That’s because if you’re googling about your break-up, there’s a good chance some of you have looked for something like “how to get my ex back.”
It’s okay; it’s normal.
And you’ll find sites promising you the secret to drawing them back in.
To save you the trouble, we’ve paid ($$$$) to try them out. Here’s what we discovered:
The best ones tell you the advice you can get for free from anyone from your BFF to your grandma: that you just need time and space and to recognize your own worth blah blah blah.
And that’s great. True, even! But hardly something you need to pay money for.
And their “secrets” to getting your ex back amount to nothing more than “live a great life they can get jealous of.”
Which, sure. But they don’t tell you how because there’s no silver bullet and also they can’t actually guarantee any of this will work anyway.
They’re just hoping it will take you long enough to figure it out that you’ll be more or less over it by then.
The worst ones string you along promising “the secret” if you just wait a little more, if you just hold out on texting them a little longer…then surely they’ll come crawling back.
That’s literally it. They’ll email you every once in a while — for months — reminding you to not text your ex. And promising “secrets” they’ll never deliver on.
We’re not lawyers, but if it walks like a scam, and quacks like a scam…
We have a feeling these people have their own demons they’re wrestling with.
“Uh, so what are YOU suggesting?”
Right. You’re not wallowing, you’re not wasting away yearning, you’re not paying through the nose for crappy advice — what’s left?


Reset Regret was founded on three core ideas. These are the concepts we’ll be walking you through every day for 100 days.
There is no growth without looking within.
We’ll lead you through thoughtful questions — about your ex, your break-up, your lessons, your hopes for the future.
These are designed to be insightful. Some of them you’ll be able to answer with ease, and some you might read then spend your afternoon thinking on.
There are no wrong answers though.
We’re not sending you a graded quiz. These are questions that will help YOU determine what YOU need.
Remember, it’s all within you.
There’s also no growth without trying new things.
If you do the same thing over and over, you can’t expect different results.
What kind of new things?
Sometimes it will be something just to break you out of a funk (think along the lines of building a specific playlist and having a private dance party).
Sometimes it will be up you!
We’re going to help you discover what brings you joy. And then encourage you to do it.
This is the thing 99% of recommendations miss.
Think of the end of a relationship like an emotional pendulum.
When you break up, you’re far out on one side, at the height of your pain and confusion.
But recovery isn’t when you swing back to the other side.
Recovery isn’t when you’re like, “I’m SO over them. Look how OVER IT I am.”
True recovery is when you reach the center again. And rest.
It can take a few swings in each direction to get there, but that’s what resetting is all about.
Center the pendulum.
“What, that’s it? I read your emails for 100 days and then I’m magically healed?”
Well, no. You have to participate. That’s the hard part that 99% of people choose not to do.
You have to live the life you choose to live, not wait around for it to happen to you.
You're the commander. Steer the ship.


You don’t need to have all the answers because we’re going to help you learn them.
The answers — what you need for happiness, to feel complete, to find meaning — are already inside you somewhere. We’re going to help you unlock them together.
Sit back and take a moment to visualize your happier self.
Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Do you see it?
Breathe out, feeling a weight lift from your shoulders.
All of the hesitation, the doubt, the fear is gone — because you’ve willfully and boldly gone into the dark areas of your mind to shine a light on it.
You are brave and fierce and content. You know where your happiness lies. It’s within you.

Alex P.

"I found solace in the daily emails and practical tasks. It's not just a program; it's a reminder that it's never too late to grow."

Lila K.

"The program is an investment in your happiness, and the returns are incredible. It's worth every effort to heal and find genuine happiness."

Sophie R.

"It's not just about getting over a breakup, it's about rebuilding a life that's genuinely fulfilling. The happiness I've found within myself is priceless."

Which of these 5 Doubts is whispering in your ear?

For most of us, starting a break-up recovery journey isn’t exactly normal or expected. (Although if we followed our expected path, we might still be wallowing in bed listening to Adele.)
But our mind starts playing tricks, casting doubts like:
“Maybe later. You deserve a few more weeks of sad yearning.”
“You can’t get over them. You just need to wait.”
“But maybe they’ll come back after all…”
We knew we couldn’t be happy waiting for someone else to make a decision.
So we began the process of figuring out WHY we kept telling ourselves these things.
We narrowed it down to the 5 Doubts. These are the little shoulder-demons whispering in your ear. The things holding you back.
“Our relationship was different because of [unique scenario].”
Sounds like: My relationship with my ex wasn’t like others because of a very specific thing. How am I supposed to heal from something no one else can relate to? How can I find camaraderie and feel understood when I don’t even know anyone who has been in this situation? 
“I don’t want to ‘heal,’ I just want to forget all about it.”
Sounds like: I don’t want to spend months thinking about this anymore. I just want to bury it and move on. How can I get on with my life if I’m still thinking about them? What's the point of mentally slogging through the relationship again?
“It’s no one’s fault, so there’s no point.”
Sounds like: I don’t want to demonize my ex. They’re a good person... OR I don’t want to uncover my own faults in the relationship. Reflecting is all about finding blame.
“I just don’t have time.”
Sounds like: Later, later, later.
“It wasn’t that serious.”
Sounds like: Ugh, I’m probably making a whole thing out of nothing. I wasn’t even seeing them for that long. How am I “recovering” from something I barely even had? It’s not like we got married or had kids. We were just talking.
We get it. We have ALL had these kinds of doubts.
And the thing is, you don’t have to ignore them. You shouldn’t! Your doubts are real. And your doubts are trying to tell you something.
The key is to understand what it’s really trying to tell you.
Because so often, our fears AREN’T ACTUALLY about our fears.
For example: we have a friend who has an intense fear of the ocean. She never wanted to learn to surf or go snorkeling in Hawaii. You would never catch her on a cruise.
At face value, you might think, “She probably watched Titanic too many times and is afraid of dying far from shore.”
Which, maybe.
But talking to her more, it turns out it’s more about all the things in the ocean you can’t see.
The ocean is so comprehensively vast with so much living in it, the sheer expanse is terrifying for her.
So her fear isn’t about death; it’s about the unknown.
Her REAL fear is all of the huge squid and creepy fish she’s imagining like monsters under the bed.
Once she figured that out, her perspective changed. She understood how to address it.
What did she do? She ensures that she’s not in deep, dark water where she can’t see what’s around her.
She’s still never going to go SCUBA diving, but some time out on a boat can be relaxing for her. Because she took the time to understand her fundamental fear.
What does this have to do with you?
Because YOUR fears might also be about something else.
You can conquer your doubts, whatever they are. You can move towards happiness instead of being stuck in place.
An email won’t wave a magic wand and make you feel all better. That doesn’t happen! But by taking it day by day, you can make progress. You’ll see changes within yourself, make discoveries, and they’ll get bigger and better as time goes on.
Then someday, people will look at you and say, “Wow, I wish I could feel that happy after a break-up.”
The key word for getting over your ex is PROGRESS.
It is not everything coming together all at once and you blink and you can’t even remember their name. It’s each step you take, day by day, because you are determined to get yourself to a better place.
If you ask people how long they missed their ex after a break-up, the answers vary a lot.
Some people will say “a couple weeks.”
Some people will say months.
Others still will say years.
Years of pining, wishing, and waiting.
Years of being filled with sadness and regret and insecurity.
You deserve to spend your one precious life getting up and enjoying it.
It’s cliche, but life’s short.
Instead of cowering from them, embrace your doubts. Sit with them. Make friends with them! You don’t have to have all the answers now. But you know you need to make a choice to move forward.
And each day, you realize you’re getting better. Some days it’s hard to tell, but others it’s really noticeable. You feel lighter. You smile a little easier.

You can start today.

It’s a shame to never examine our doubts and really get to know ourselves. It’s an even bigger shame to let them hold us back.
For a moment, let your doubt be a child. One who is scared and uncertain.
What would you tell them?
How would you reassure them?
You wouldn’t say, “You’re absolutely right, let’s go hide together.”
You would say, “It’s okay to be scared.”
You would say, “New things can be scary.”
You would grab their hand and show them there isn’t a monster under the bed.
You would show them a great wild world that is full of exciting things that are there for you to explore.
Take a step outside together.

Jenna P.

"Reset Regret is solid. It didn't promise miracles, but it delivered consistent support. The structured program helped me reflect without getting overwhelmed."
One of the best parts of personal growth: you’re in the driver’s seat. You get to decide what you want to do, and when, and how. You’re in control.
“Then why don’t I just do it by myself?”
Great question. Why AREN’T you just doing it by yourself?
The answer is pretty clear: it’s hard.
The way social media is designed to be addictive. The siren call of your couch. The cards are stacked against you.
You aren’t doing it yourself because there is no motivation and no direction.
You WANT to move on. But day after day, you’re not.
That changes today.
Now is your opportunity to bravely seize the bull by the horns.
Say you’re not going to feel like your life is passing you by.
Say that you’re not going to let memories of your ex hold you back.
Say that your potential, the things you will achieve, are more incredible than anyone realizes.
The honest truth: you don’t need more information. By now, you’ve realized that you could definitely recover from your break-up.
The most common question we get at this point is: “Yeah, but how much time does it take?”
What they’re really saying is: “Sure, sounds great, but I need this to be easy.”
Or “I’m really busy.”
We get it. We’re all busy. And we can’t create time for you.
You just need to decide you want it badly enough.
But consider this:
If suddenly you could take a 3-month vacation, with zero obligations, everything else in your life will be taken care of while you’re away…
Would you commit then?
Or are these just those nagging doubts at work again, making up reasons why you can’t?
We know why, because we’ve been there. Because it’s overwhelming. Because change is scary. Because we’re afraid of failing — or succeeding beyond our wildest dreams.
Because break-ups make us wary of who to trust.
This took us a really long time to realize. Of course we were reluctant to create change for ourselves. The person we trusted most broke our confidence in our judgment!
But if you’re reading this, you know it’s not your judgment that is broken.
Humans are intuitive beings who sense much more about the world around us than we actively process in any given moment.
But sometimes, if you sit with your gut feeling, if you clear away the nagging doubts and ask it a calm, clear question — you’ll get an answer.

Where will you be 100 days from now?

Today, you have to make a decision.
If you decide to wait until “someday,” that’s a decision.
But we’d like to suggest a different path.
Make a decision to seize control. Don’t let life just happen to you. Take a long look in the mirror and think about the things you really want out of life. You want to travel more? Exercise more? Kick ass and take names at work? Get a restful night’s sleep? Be a role model to your family? Great. You deserve to live the life you want. Now let’s put the work in to get it.

It starts here. Now.

Stop following everyday advice from everyday people who are ALSO being passive about their happiness. Think about it: are the people telling you “it just takes time” or “you can still win your ex over” the kind of people who are going out and living their absolute best lives? NO.
They mean well. But they don’t know any better.
You do.
And you also deserve a helping hand.
Why is it that the world’s top athletes, top executives and CEOs, top singers and performers all have coaches but we don’t?
If the best of the best can benefit from having someone in their corner, guiding them through, how much could WE gain from getting advice from someone who has the experience, information, and support needed?
Someone to not only clap us on the shoulder and say “good game,” but someone to show us a roadmap to recovery…
  • How to get out of your funk and into your life
  • A day-by-day guide to analyzing your relationships and moving on
  • Research-backed, personal questions for you to uncover new answers
  • The actual psychology of love and break-ups
That’s what this is all about.

Reset Regret: Your Breakup Recovery Journey

Discover the ONLY breakup recovery program that’s research-backed, tested, and continually improved to be the most up to date method available.
Why Reset Regret Stands Out

Reset Regret transcends traditional breakup recovery methods. While other programs offer one-off books or journals, Reset Regret is a dynamic 100-day email series meticulously crafted to guide you through the intricate process of healing from heartbreak.
Reset Regret’s Unique Approach

100 Days of Transformative Emails: Receive daily doses of empathy, insights, and actionable tasks to guide you through the recovery process.
Find Your Path to Healing: Learn how to reflect deeply on your relationship, set personal goals, and embark on a transformative journey towards self-improvement.
Practical Homework for Real Results: Reset Regret doesn't overwhelm you with information; it provides actionable tasks, ensuring you actively engage in your recovery process.
Private Support: Daily emails offer the support you need at every stage of your healing journey in the privacy of your home.
Reflect and Rebuild: Dive deep into your emotions, set meaningful goals, and begin the journey towards a more fulfilled life.
Structured Recovery: Progress at your pace with a daily roadmap, ensuring you steadily move towards a brighter future.
No Detours, No B.S.: We've cut out the unnecessary fluff to deliver a focused, efficient, and effective program that truly works.

Carlos M.

"No magic tricks, just solid advice. It helped me stay on track during a tough time."

Priya S.

"It didn't sugarcoat things. It's a good, no-nonsense breakup recovery resource."

Andre L.

"It won't solve all your problems, but it's a reliable tool. I can say I'm in a better place now."

How is Reset Regret different?

Why Reset Regret is Your Trusted Companion
Continuous Learning: We continuously gather data on what truly works in breakup recovery. Every success, every challenge, and every insight is included in our program to ensure it's not just a guide but a living, breathing source of support.
Swift Results: No more months, years of anguish. Move from the depths of heartbreak to tangible progress in just weeks.
Comprehensive Guidance: Dive into dozens of projects, reflections questions, activities and more that are designed to get you thinking and healing.
The Reset Regret Advantage
Only Reset Regret integrates data from thousands of journeys, insights from real cases, and the collective wisdom of our participants. You can try to navigate your breakup alone, but why would you? If you're serious about healing, give yourself the advantage of others who've paved the way.
Reset Regret delivers specific tactics for immediate use. It's NOT a fleeting motivational guide, a filler-stuffed e-book, or a mish-mash of free Google tips. Reset Regret is a deliberate and proven process for your journey towards recovery.

Is Reset Regret right for you?

We’re deeply committed to guiding individuals through the healing journey, and we believe Reset Regret is not just for everyone but for the right people — the ones who are truly ready to embark on a transformative recovery process.
When is Reset Regret NOT for you?

Magic Bullet Seekers: If you're searching for a quick fix without putting in the work of reflection, goal-setting, and committed action, Reset Regret might not be the right fit.
Get-Peace-Quick Expectations: If you expect to go from heartbreak to complete healing in a matter of weeks, Reset Regret may not align with those unrealistic expectations.
Resistance to Change: If you're holding on tightly to your past relationship and unwilling to embrace new insights and advice, Reset Regret may not be the right path for you.
Seeking Only Motivation: If you're simply looking for motivation and not willing to turn that motivation into tangible results, Reset Regret may not meet your expectations.
When Reset Regret IS Right for You

Investing in Your Healing: If you're ready to invest in yourself and commit to the process of rebuilding and healing from your breakup.
Patient and Deliberate: If you understand that recovery is a journey, not an overnight fix, and you're willing to invest 5-10 hours a week for lasting rewards.
Seeking a Comprehensive System: If you're looking for a structured system, not just random tactics, to guide you through every step of your breakup recovery.
Emotionally Resilient: If you're emotionally stable enough to navigate the ups and downs of the recovery process, understanding that healing takes work. 
If we could go back in time, we would have done anything to get an actual roadmap to follow instead of aimlessly scrolling social media and waiting to feel better. We would have given anything for a path forward.
Focused on Results, Not Just Information:
Unlike other options that just offer information, Reset Regret is designed for active engagement, offering daily reflections, actionable tasks, and a structured approach to guide users towards real results in their healing journey.
Proven Success Through Iteration:
We meticulously crafted Reset Regret, inviting participants from diverse backgrounds, testing and refining the curriculum, and collecting invaluable feedback. The system was tested with users before its release, ensuring its effectiveness for those starting from scratch or with little knowledge of the breakup recovery process.
Continuous Improvement and Data-Driven Results:
Reset Regret is not a static program. We continuously refined, streamlined, and improved the system based on hundreds of thousands of data points and personal interactions with participants. The result is a fast, effective, and transformative program that guides you through the healing journey.
Lifetime Investment in Your Healing:
Reset Regret is designed as a lifetime investment, yours to keep forever after a one-time payment. It's not a subscription, but a resource you can return to whenever you need support on your healing journey.
Your Future, Your Investment:
Reset Regret is an investment in your future, meant to last a lifetime. Join today, embark on your healing journey, and experience the transformative power of Reset Regret.


Reset Regret

The full 100-day break-up recovery program
100 emails over 100 days

Peace of mind for $89.99

That’s less than 90 CENTS per day!
Less than a cup of coffee. Way less than a single coaching session. You could probably go outside and find $0.90 on the ground today.
Isn’t your happiness worth that much?
If you have any questions or concerns about the course, email us. We’re happy to help.

The tragedy of going through the motions

How long have you been waiting to feel better?
How much time do you spend scrolling on your phone?
How many articles have you read about break-ups, and getting your ex back, and recovering from the devastating end of a relationship?
It’s sobering to realize that right now is the youngest you’ll ever be again.
And instead of taking action, most of us just dream of being happier…someday. Maybe.
Instead of curb-stomping our fears and grabbing our doubts by the hand and leading them away, we let them whisper their way into our minds and hold us back.
You already know it’s not the information alone. You know it’s out there! You might even know some of it! Waiting another month to see if you feel like doing it then won’t change anything. If all you needed was information, you would have done it already.
Someday soon, you’ll let another day melt away without even really realizing it. It will be gone — permanently — and not injected with joy or hope or love.
Fast forward a few years. You’re probably finally feeling better, and we sincerely hope you are. But no matter what you’re doing then, you’re never going to get those days back.
Don’t you want to take command? Don’t you want your recovery to start NOW?
Sometimes, we need a soft nudge from someone who believes in us more than we believe in ourselves. Someone who can encourage us, guide us — someone who’s been there.
We believe in you.
We believe in you because we’ve helped so many others who felt the same way. We believe in you because we used to struggle to believe in ourselves.
We can’t go back and heal our past selves. But we can help you.
We also believe tomorrow will be just like today unless YOU decide to make a change.
You may not have all the answers. That’s alright. We’ll help you discover them.
The most important step is the one right in front of you.
In a few minutes, you could take that first step in your journey.
Or you can remain frozen in place.
In a few months, you could have finished our 100-day program.
Or you could have lost count of how many Insta stories you mindlessly scrolled through.
In life, you only face a handful of truly pivotal choices.
If you’re ready, this choice can change your perspective on life.
It can give you a life of contentment, of growth, and possibility.
But only you can make the decision.
Only you know if it’s time.
If you’ve read this far, we suspect it’s time to make a change.

Chris M.

"I'm not one for self-help jargon, but the assignments resonated with me. They pushed me to think and act. It felt like I was making progress every day."

You’re moments from changing your life

Recovering from a break-up is HARD. It is HARD to feel all of the regrets, reflect on all the mistakes, and find the power within yourself to reset.
But those challenges are how you HEAL.
What a shame to avoid growth. What a shame to bypass the hard questions because we fear a challenge. What a shame to let days melt into weeks and months.
If this program isn’t for you, we respect that.
But if it is — if you’re really ready to start healing from your break-up, you’re really ready to do the work and uncover joy again — it’s time to make a choice.
If you’re ready to invest in your future, don’t wait for “later.” Don’t wait for the magic day when you feel like it, or have more free time.
You know if you don’t do it now, you aren’t going to. After all, how many other things have you left relegated to “later”?
A year from now, you’ll be a year older. Will you be living the life you want?

Reset Regret

The full 100-day break-up recovery program
100 emails over 100 days
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