How It Works
The idea is simple: every day for 100 days we’re gonna email you with a task — think of it like your Getting Over [Your Ex’s Name Here] Homework.
Sometimes we’ll ask you to write a letter. Sometimes we’ll ask you to do some soul-searching on the break-up. Sometimes we’ll ask you to find a trusted person to ask some questions.
At the end of the 100 days, our goal is to help you feel empowered, happier, and ready to take on whatever’s next for you.

“To be honest, I felt kind of lame even thinking about signing up. But it helped a lot. My ex and I have a lot of the same friends, and I can at least see her without feeling like I’m dying.”
Eric, 19
“When my husband left, I couldn’t afford expensive workshops or retreats. This helped me be happier and feel more whole.”
Marie, 48
“Our breakup was kind of mutual (long distance sucks), so I wasn’t sure this was the right choice for me. I didn’t feel like I had a right to feel bad, you know? You helped me understand my relationship better so I could move on.”
Kayla, 31

Reset Regret Today
100 emails, $49.95 ON SALE
That’s cheaper than:
100 days of therapy (unless your insurance is spectacular)
A drink at the corner bar every week, bemoaning your ex’s faults
A plane ticket across the country to your mom’s house (even though her cooking is probably better than ours)
Get one email every day for 100 days, designed to help you reflect, grow, learn, and move on.